Description: Drum top pads are 22" in diameter and have pre-cut bung holes for easy access to drum. Made from top quality fine fiber mat. Available in blue oil only and gray universal.
Uses: Use on all the drums in your drum storage area to keep it looking good and to maintain a safe workplace. Additional product information on order page.
Description: Our drip pan is 10.5 inches square and 3 inches tall. With the large surface area and depth it will hold a high volume of fluid. Low footprint of the pan keeps it stable so it can not easily be kicked over. Available in universal and oil only.
Uses: Use under drum spigot to catch drips, under machinery under leaky hydraulic hoses. If the volume of the leak saturates a mat too quickly then put a drip pan in its place. Use gray universal drip pan indoors while the white oil only drip pan is ideal for outdoors where it will catch oily drips but repel rainwater. Additional product information on order page.
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