Build Your Own Berm Instruction Sheet

Build Your Own Berm Installation Instructions

If using the berm to control chemicals (not water, oil or grease), contact us first to be sure the berm material and sealant are compatible. Check out our build your own berm assembly instruction list below for collapsible containment berms and more products.

  1. Clean the floor surface of debris. Any build-up of grease and oil must be removed. Failure to do so may result in premature failure of the sealant.
  2. To install the Build Your Own Berm over frost cracks and form separations, you must first repair these areas with caulking.
  3. Apply 2 continuous beads of caulking on the bottom of the berm approximately 1” in from its side and ends, along its entire length.
  4. Place the berm where you want it and apply pressure to its entire length to seal it to the floor surface. Note: To ensure proper sealing on uneven surfaces, you may need to apply extra sealant and also more direct pressure.
  5. To add sections or attach corners, apply vinyl adhesive to the built-in vinyl cover and the end of the berm. Then mold the vinyl cover over the berm end and hold in place (approximately 30 seconds).



  1. If it has been stored coiled, let the berm lie flat for 2 hours before installing it.
  2. After installation let the berm cure (sealant and glue) for at least one hour before use.
  3. To cut the berm, use a utility knife along with a straight edge.
  4. To remove it, scrape with a flat blade shovel and use silicone remover to clean the caulking from the base.



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